Wednesday, October 22, 2008

13 days left.

It's been over a week now since I haven't posted anything. right now I'm not feeling well, I have a sore throat, hope it's not a virus, because I had that that last year. Now having a throat virus, is the worst thing ever. You can't eat anything. And if you want to eat solid food, you have to blend it :( ( It's nasty). I'm doing good though. Anywho, 13 more days left for you guys to go out and vote. I don't care who you vote for, (Obama), just go out and vote.
I've been busy with school, and just recently my professor of English told us to read this exerpt from Cultural Etiquette: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned, wriiten by Amoja Three Rivers. Before you read it, (which I promise you, it will be worth your time). Just answer this qustion. What is racism? Here is the link
Got to go now. Time to study and later on talk to the one I love, Vegan. God bless you.
P.S. GO OUT AND VOTE---->America needs a CHANGE.

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