Saturday, December 19, 2009

4 in the morning/ Vegan recipes.

At four in the morning, I started cleaning. It was after 3 this morning when I remembered that my brother had to go to work early in the morning. I was half awake, so I went in the kitchen and started drinking from a 2 litre bottle of Crush orange soda. I fell asleep with the bottle in my hand, and half a hour later I got up feeling energized.
I started cleaning the bath tub and the bathroom floors. I even changed the curtains. Even though it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to put up the shower curtain. I still felt energized, so I started cleaning the dining room floor, and sweeping the carpets. Then I moved from the passageway to the kitchen.
After doing grocery, and cleaning the entire house in two hours. I finally took a shower, and went to lay down, and allowed the t.v. to put me to sleep at around 8.

I got up a couple hours ago, and came on my computer and started reading food blogs. It amazes me to see how creative people can get at times. For Christmas I'm planning to make banana bread for my family, and Leonson's. I'm also tired of seeing Leonson eat the same thing over and over. His rice and peas with vegan sauce. I understand he's Vegan, and that limits him to eating certain things. But my goal is to give variety to his diet. I just had a chat with him couple minutes ago, because I found this vegan recipe. Even the things he can eat, he doesn't like it.I was a bit skeptical about it. So I told him what it contained. He wasn't excited about it or anything, because he doesn't like vegetables. And that recipe contained a lot of vegetables. I won't be making that. Even though It seemed easy to make, and it looked delicious. Now I'm back to square one. Looking at food blogs for ideas to create a recipe he might actually like.

It's hard cooking for a vegan, a picky vegan to that.

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